Welcome to TimerFet.ch 

With TimerFet.ch, you can share timed messages and short URL links with your friends!

Why using short URL links? Because short URL links are easier to share. Sometimes, character limits on social media sites do not allow you to share a link. This issue can be solved with TimerFet.ch: you can send links up to 2000 characters long by using a simple short URL such as for example https://timerfet.ch?m=visitMe.

What about sharing just a message?  With TimerFet.ch, you can send a message hidden behind a code. Only those who have the code will be able to see the message. For example https://timerfet.ch?m=AbCdEf. Such message may be accessible only during a predefined validity period (with a start date and time, and expiry date and time).

What else can you do with TimerFet.ch? 
  • Obtain a randomly-generated message code or use a code of your choice, provided it is unique (e.g. https://timerfet.ch?m=yourCode)
  • Display a message "not before" by setting a start date and time (a countdown timer will be shown until the start time has been reached)
  • Set an expiry date and time or leave empty if the message / short URL link never expires
  • Use simple HTML tags to display a text message with basic formatting (e.g. bold, italic, underline, header, ...)
  • Obtain a QR code that automatically links to your message, and share the QR code with your friends
  • Alternatively, communicate your message by sending its short URL via e-mail, WhatsApp, SMS, etc...

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(c) 2023-2024 TimerFet.ch, your service to deliver timed messages and URL redirects.